World Travel Guide > Guides > Oceania > Niue

Niue Shopping and nightlife

Shopping in Niue

Niuean women are especially regarded for the quality of their weaving, producing hats, baskets, handbags and mats from indigenous plants, such as pandanus, which make excellent buys for the visitor. These are available to visitors at a handful of shops and can also be found at village show days.

Shopping hours

Mon-Fri 0900-1600; sometimes Sat 0800-1600. There are generally one or two small stores in most villages around the island which are open in the evenings and during weekends.

Nightlife in Niue

There are a number of nightclubs. Hakupu Village also hosts a traditional fiafia (cultural night) once a week beginning with a tour of the village, followed by a traditional feast with dancing and singing (advance booking is recommended).

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