Greenland Shopping and nightlife
Shopping in Greenland
Alcohol, tobacco, fruit and vegetables are expensive. Special purchases include bone and soapstone carvings, skin products and beadwork. "The Board" is the local term for Kalaaliavaq, the markets that can be found in all Greenlandic towns. Here you can buy the day's harvest such as seal, whale, musk, reindeer, fish and berries straight from the hunter, fisherman or picker. They are usually situated close to the town's port.
Shopping hours
Mon-Thurs 1000-1730, Fri 1000-1800 and Sat 0900-1300. Smaller grocery shops and kiosks may open for longer.
Nightlife in Greenland
Pubs are open to people over the age of 18 and some have discos or live bands.