Münster Osnabrück International Airport Hotels
Hotel Restaurant Stegemann
A little further away from the airport, the 85-room Stegemann Hotel offers an indoor pool, sauna, solarium and restaurant. It is situated in a quiet location to the north of the airport on Route 475.
Address: , Westladbergen 71, Saerbeck, 48369Telephone: 02574 9290
Website: http://www.hotel-stegemann.de
LandKomfort Hotel Große Drieling
The closest accommodation option to the airport; the 3-star LandKomfort Hotel is situated in parklands, and incorporates spa facilities, a restaurant and, uniquely, an onsite farm. It is aimed primarily at families, but its close proximity to the airport makes it a convenient option for all travellers.
Address: , Hüttruper Straße 189, Greven, 48268Telephone: 02574 208 983320
Website: http://www.meinferienhof.de