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Belarus travel guide

About Belarus

A country whose landscape is still engulfed by the memories of its Soviet past, Belarus is emerging as a trendy Eastern European hotspot - with the country slowly shedding its Communist reputation to become a budding and modern tourist destination.

Unlike many of its neighbours who chose to become part of the European Union after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, consumerism is notably absent in Belarus – and those who visit are treated to a multifaceted destination rich in history, brimming with culture and populated by warm and generous inhabitants.

And though its popularity is growing, Belarus' appeal might well be in its isolation. Indeed this is one of the few remaining places where you can still see what life was like during the days of communism. Largely untouched, Belarus offers an abundance of Soviet iconography, particularly in the big cities, allowing anyone with an imagination to visualise how things once were.

The main destination is the capital, Minsk, defined by clean streets and neoclassical Stalinist architecture and where a cosmopolitan vibe sits alongside intense national pride. A veritable survivor, Minsk is a city whose character is almost tangible - having time and time again throughout its tumultuous history, refused to say 'die'.

Brest is another city of interest. Nestled on the Polish border, Brest is possessed of charm and an abundance of history, also possibly the most Western of all the Belarusian cities.

Outside of the cities, travellers will discover wide plains, picturesque villages, ancient castles, monasteries and dense forests, not to mention thousands of lakes. National parks protect some of the continent's largest marshlands, as well as some of Europe's oldest untouched woodlands, including Bialowieza Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The countryside also offers the chance to see some of the last remaining collective farms in action.

While Belarus may still represent a corner of Eastern Europe that's still developing in the wake of some difficult times, travellers who give this destination the time it deserves will reap the rewards and are sure to enjoy a colourful, compelling country.

Key facts


207,595 sq km (80,153 sq miles).


9,508,000 (2017).

Population density:

45.8 per sq km.





Head of state:

President Alexander Lukashenko since 1994.

Head of government:

Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko since 2020.

Travel Advice

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

FCDO advises against all travel to Belarus

FCDO advises against all travel to Belarus. You face a significant risk of arrest if you have at any time engaged in any activity now considered illegal by the Belarusian regime.

There is also a low risk that direct conflict linked to the war in Ukraine may spread to Belarus. Find out more about why FCDO advises against all travel.

Limited UK government support

In the unlikely event that conflict starts, FCDO’s ability to support British nationals will be severely limited.

Dual nationals

Belarus does not recognise dual nationality. If you have both Belarusian and British passports, the authorities will consider you Belarusian, even if you enter the country on your British passport. This limits the UK government’s ability to help you. See Safety and security.

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel against FCDO advice, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance. Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and potential expenses in an emergency.

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This information is for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK who choose to travel against FCDO advice. It is based on the UK government’s understanding of the current rules for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Belarus set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how Belarus’s entry requirements apply to you, contact the Embassy of Belarus in the UK.

Passport validity requirements

To visit Belarus, your passport must be valid for at least 3 months from the date you arrive.

Check with your travel provider to make sure your passport and other travel documents meet their requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

Children of Belarusian passport holders

Children aged 15 and under who do not have a Belarusian passport but have a parent who does, must have a travel certificate issued by a Belarusian embassy or consulate to enter Belarus. Parents of children entering on this document should contact the State Border Committee, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make sure their children also have the relevant documentation to exit Belarus.

Visa requirements    

The Belarusian authorities have announced that from 19 July 2024 until 31 December 2025 all British nationals (except those entering on a diplomatic or official passport) can enter Belarus for up to 30 days without a visa, limited to a total of 90 days per calendar year.

If you want to stay longer than 30 days during a visit, or for a total period exceeding 90 days per calendar year, you must have a visa. You can find more information from the Embassy of Belarus in the UK.

If you’re travelling directly from or to Russia, the visa-free arrangement does not apply and you must have a visa. As of 11 January 2025, foreign citizens with a Belarusian or Russian visa may enter, leave, stay or transit through either Belarus or Russia during the period of validity of the visa. This is limited to certain international border crossing points. For more information, please see the website of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Visas for travelling through Belarus

You do not need a visa to transit Belarus by air, but the maximum period you can remain airside (in the airport without going through border control) is 24 hours.

Travelling by air between Belarus and Russia

FCDO is not aware of any difficulties for British nationals travelling by air between Belarus and Russia. However, make sure you get an exit stamp in your passport when you leave Belarus. If you have no stamp, you will not be allowed back in on your next visit.

Land borders

The land borders with Ukraine are currently closed to British nationals. Other land borders have restrictions. See Safety and security.

Vaccine requirements

For details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations, see TravelHealthPro’s Belarus guide.

Insurance requirements

When you apply for your visa or when you arrive in Belarus, you will need to show both:

  • documentary evidence of medical insurance to the value of 10,000 euros
  • funds equivalent to 25 euros per day

This can be in the form of cash, credit card or travellers cheques in any currency. Contact the Embassy of Belarus for full details.


If you plan to work as a journalist in Belarus, you must get accreditation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus before you travel.

Registering with the authorities

Accommodation providers must register any foreign guests staying for more than 10 days in Belarus. Registration will normally be arranged by your hotel. If you’re staying with someone, check that they’re doing this. You can register with the authorities online (this page may not be accessible from all countries) or with the local police office (OVIR) in the district where you’re staying. There are fines for not registering in time. See the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for more details.

Customs rules

If you are carrying cash or travellers cheques worth more than 10,000 US dollars, you must complete a currency declaration form and get it stamped by a customs officer.

You are not allowed to take more currency out of Belarus than you declared when you arrived. Keep your entry declaration form for the duration of your visit. When you leave Belarus, you must complete a new form and show the entry form. If you do not, you could be delayed and fined.

Importing goods for charitable purposes

If you want to import goods or services for charitable purposes, consult the Embassy of Belarus in the UK for advice about local procedures and tariffs. If you think your goods will be exempt from Belarusian taxation, get written confirmation from the embassy.


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.     

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Belarus

Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Belarus, attacks cannot be ruled out.

Attacks could happen anywhere and could affect western interests and places visited by foreign nationals.

Political situation

Demonstrations and protests are possible and could become confrontational, with security forces likely to use force to disperse and detain demonstrators. The authorities launched a violent crackdown against demonstrators across Belarus after the 2020 presidential elections.

Belarus is still a repressive environment. You should:

  • stay vigilant
  • avoid crowds
  • if protests break out, leave the area immediately

There is often a heightened security presence, including on the streets of Minsk and other major cities. Security forces (some may be in plain clothes) might carry out a stop and search or ask for identification documents, and require you to unlock your phone. Make sure you carry your passport or a printed copy of the photo page of your passport, and visa if you have one.

Risk of arrest and detention

You face a significant risk of arrest, questioning or detention if you have engaged in any political activity related to Belarus. This can include having donated to organisations or supported activity now considered illegal by the Belarusian regime. Laws can be applied retroactively by the authorities.  

If the authorities suspect you of engaging in and supporting activities against Belarusian law (including political activities), even if activities took place outside Belarus, you may be subject to: 

  • deportation
  • detention
  • investigation
  • prosecution

The risk of arrest and detention is greater for those, including for dual nationals, who have previously been involved in activities inside or outside of Belarus, or on social media, which the authorities have since classed as illegal.

Mobile phones and other personal items may be seized and inspected by the authorities, including at the border upon entering Belarus.

Dual nationals 

Belarus does not recognise dual nationality. Even if you have both Belarusian and British passports, the authorities will consider you Belarusian. In the event of arrest or detention, Belarusian authorities are unlikely to allow FCDO consular access. This limits the UK government’s ability to help you. 

Military service  

In Belarus, military service is compulsory for all males between the ages of 18 and 27. Dual UK-Belarus nationals in that age group may be liable for military service and should check before travelling to Belarus.  

Russian military activity

The Belarusian regime is facilitating Russia’s war against Ukraine. Russian military activity is taking place inside Belarus. The situation is unpredictable and there is a low risk that direct conflict linked to the war in Ukraine may spread to Belarus. In the unlikely event that a conflict starts, FCDO’s ability to support British nationals may be limited. Events in Ukraine are fast-moving.

There is a higher risk of military activity in places where there are Russian and Belarusian military personnel and equipment, including:

  • Mazyr/Mozyr (Gomel Oblast)
  • Zyabrovka (Gomel Oblast)
  • Vileyka / Viliejka (Minsk Oblast)
  • Gantsevichi / Hantsavichy (Brest Oblast)
  • Osipovichi/ Asipovichy (Mogilev Oblast)
  • Lida (Grodno Oblast)

Avoid restricted areas reserved for military exercises or operations. It’s illegal to take photographs of police or military personnel, or locations of strategic importance, including government buildings and critical infrastructure. There may not be warning signs in locations where prohibitions are in place. If in doubt, leave potentially restricted areas immediately.

Monitor local media, sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated, and read our advice on how to deal with a crisis overseas.


Crime levels are low in Belarus, but be alert to the possibility of street crime and theft from vehicles or hotel rooms.

Border crossings

There may be long queues at border crossing points and there are few facilities for those waiting. Customs and immigration can be lengthy and bureaucratic.

If driving, you must be able to produce original vehicle ownership documents at border crossings. If you’re not the owner, you will need a letter to show you have ‘power of attorney’. You must have car insurance. See Road travel

If you overstay or break the temporary import terms and conditions, your vehicle could be confiscated at the border or at an in-country police checkpoint.

Belarus-Russia border

See FCDO’s Russia travel advice if considering travel to or from Russia.

As of 11 January 2025, foreign citizens with a Belarusian or Russian visa may enter, leave, stay or transit through either Belarus or Russia during the period of validity of the visa. This is limited to certain international border crossing points. For more information, please see the website of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

If you do not have a Belarusian or Russian visa, there are no legal grounds for foreigners (including British nationals) to cross the Russia-Belarus state land border including by road, bus or rail.

If you travelled to Belarus from Russia and need assistance, contact the British Embassy Minsk on +375 17 229 8200 or send an enquiry using the web contact form.

Belarus-Ukraine border

See FCDO’s Ukraine travel advice if considering travel to or from Ukraine.

British nationals cannot currently cross the Belarus-Ukraine border. If you travelled to Belarus from Ukraine and need assistance, contact the British Embassy Minsk on +375 17 229 8200 or send an enquiry using the web contact form.

Belarus-Poland border    

The situation close to the Polish border is unpredictable. Only the Terespol-Brest border crossing point remains open with Belarus for passenger travel. This border crossing may close or implement restrictions at short notice. Check the latest information on the Polish State Border Guard website

Belarus-Lithuania border

Only two border crossing points between Lithuania and Belarus remain open: Medininkai-Kamenny Log and Šalčininkai-Benyakoni. On 18 July 2024, Lithuania announced further restrictions at the border with Belarus to deny entry to cars registered in Belarus, with certain exemptions. For further information on these restrictions, see the Lithuanian government website. These border crossings may close or implement restrictions at short notice. Check the latest information from the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior.

Latvian border

Only the Paternieki-Grigorovshchina border crossing point between Latvia and Belarus remains open. On 16 July 2024, Latvia introduced further restrictions at the border with Belarus to deny entry to passenger vehicles registered in Belarus. This border crossing may close or implement restrictions at short notice. Check the latest information on the Latvian State Border Guard website.

Transport risks

Road travel

If you are planning to drive in Belarus, see information on driving abroad and check the rules of the road in the RAC’s Belarus guide. The guide lists driving regulations and other legal requirements you need to be aware of.

You need car insurance to drive in Belarus. There is more information about insurance requirements on the State Border Committee website.

There is a zero-tolerance policy towards drink-driving. Depending on the situation, penalties can include fines or imprisonment.


Drivers with foreign licence plates must pay a fee to use toll roads or face a fine. For more information, see the BelToll website.

There can be police checkpoints on routes throughout the country. Stop when instructed and have vehicle documentation available.

Road conditions

Driving standards in Belarus are unpredictable and road conditions vary. M-class highways are in good condition. Some R-class roads are impassable for periods in winter. Roadworks and potholes are usually poorly marked.

Air travel

There are no direct flights between Belarus and the UK.

Since mid-2021 all Belarusian airlines have been banned from flying into the UK. The EU has closed its airspace to Belarusian registered aircraft and has sanctioned Belavia the Belarusian state-owned carrier.

Due to international restrictions on Belavia, they may not have access to components which are needed for the safe maintenance of their aircraft.

UK government staff do not use Belavia.

The UK has placed sanctions on some Russian airlines, including Aeroflot, Rossiya Airlines and Ural. It is illegal for any British national or company in the UK to do business with these airlines, including buying airline tickets.

The UK has also sanctioned the Belarusian air traffic control operator. 

Rail travel

There are frequent standard security checks at some stations on the Minsk Metro. Transport police may ask to scan your bags. You must comply with this. You could be arrested if you refuse.


Police can fine you if you are jaywalking – ignoring pedestrian crossings or signals.

Chernobyl site

There’s an exclusion zone immediately around the Chernobyl site. This includes the area close to the border with Ukraine in the south-east of Belarus. Access to this part of the country is limited. The risk of radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl site is insignificant elsewhere.

Laws and cultural differences

Drugs and prison sentences

There are severe penalties for drug-related crimes. These include prison sentences of up to 5 years for drug possession (including for small amounts of Class C drugs) and up to 25 years for more serious drug-related offences.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Belarus. However, Belarus is still a conservative society and the LGBT+ scene is very low profile. Very few LGBT+ people are open about their sexuality. Read more advice for LGBT travellers.


 FCDO advises against commissioning surrogacy arrangements in Belarus.

If you are a British national with existing surrogacy arrangements in Belarus, contact FCDO on 01908 516 666 if you have not already done so.

If you already have surrogacy arrangements in place:

  1. You may wish to ask your surrogacy agency about the safest location where all parties to the surrogacy arrangement can stay. FCDO cannot facilitate evacuation.
  2. In many cases, Belarusian law requires that the surrogate is married. This could affect British nationality for a child born under such a surrogacy arrangement. You should seek specialist UK legal advice about nationality determinations, Parental Orders and what you need for travel documents.
  3. Seek in-country legal advice. This is important for issues like legalising UK documents, notarising Belarusian documents, document processing and the maximum period of stay the authorities will allow. Due to the security challenges, FCDO cannot confirm which lawyers are currently offering services. The surrogacy process in Belarus can be lengthy and complicated.

If you are considering changing your surrogacy arrangements, or making a new arrangement in another country, read the guidance for intended parents planning for international surrogacy.


There are plenty of ATMs in major cities. However, there are currently problems withdrawing cash or paying with foreign credit and debit cards. Almost no major banks in Belarus accept foreign cards. Those banks that do may charge a higher commission.

There is also limited cash available. Many ATMs have limits on the amount of cash you can withdraw, particularly for foreign cards. Not all cards will be accepted in Belarus. Many reputable international money transfer providers have suspended operations in Belarus. Consider taking cash in US dollars or euros.


The UK government has imposed sanctions against a range of Belarusian companies and individuals. These may impact on financial transactions.

Exchanging money

It can be difficult to exchange British pounds for Belarusian roubles. US dollars and euros are more widely accepted. Use government-licensed currency exchanges and have your passport with you. If you exchange money elsewhere, you could be fined or arrested and the currency will be confiscated.

You cannot exchange Belarusian roubles into other currencies outside Belarus.

Bank services

If you’re travelling to Belarus, speak to your UK bank before you go. Because of sanctions against Belarus, your bank may block your card if you use it in Belarus.

Before you travel check that:

  • your destination can provide the healthcare you may need
  • you have appropriate travel insurance for local treatment or unexpected medical evacuation

This is particularly important if you have a health condition or are pregnant.

Emergency medical number

Dial 103 and ask for an ambulance.

Contact your insurance or medical assistance company quickly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.

Most people in Belarus only speak Russian or Belarusian, so emergency services staff may not speak English. You may need to find someone who speaks English to interpret for you.

Vaccine recommendations and health risks  

At least 8 weeks before your trip:

See what health risks you’ll face in Belarus, including biting insects and ticks.

Do not drink village well water. It is usually heavily contaminated with impurities. In cities, boil then filter tap water before drinking. Bottled water is widely available.


The availability of local medical supplies cannot be guaranteed – bring all essential medication with you.

The legal status and regulation of some medicines prescribed or bought in the UK can be different in other countries.

TravelHealthPro explains best practice when travelling with medicines.

For more information on the legal status of a specific medicine, contact the Embassy of Belarus in the UK.

Healthcare in Belarus

The standard of healthcare is below that of the UK.

FCDO has a list of medical facilities in Belarus where some staff will speak English.

Travel and mental health 

Read FCDO guidance on travel and mental health. There is also mental health guidance on TravelHealthPro.

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) cannot provide tailored advice for individual trips. Read this travel advice and carry out your own research before deciding whether to travel.

Emergency services in Belarus

Ambulance: 103

Fire: 101

Police: 102

Contact your travel provider and insurer

Contact your travel provider and your insurer if you are involved in a serious incident or emergency abroad. They will tell you if they can help and what you need to do.

Refunds and changes to travel

For refunds or changes to travel, contact your travel provider. You may also be able to make a claim through insurance. However, insurers usually require you to talk to your travel provider first.

Find out more about changing or cancelling travel plans, including:

  • where to get advice if you are in a dispute with a provider
  • how to access previous versions of travel advice to support a claim

Support from FCDO

FCDO has guidance on staying safe and what to do if you need help or support abroad, including:

Contacting FCDO

Help abroad

See how to get help from the UK government abroad including in an emergency.

Help in the UK

You can call FCDO in London if you need urgent help because something has happened to a friend or relative abroad.

Telephone: 020 7008 5000 (24 hours)

Find out about call charges

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Risk information for British companies

The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating in Belarus on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.

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